戰爭是歷史的情人,任性地來,再狼狽地逃走,留下永恆的傷。在倫理道德淪喪顛倒的特殊時期, 人性最醜陋的部份肆無忌憚地登上舞台,對人為定義的低等民族發洩獸性,一旦戰爭結束,道德的假面具又被重新戴上,所有醜惡的記憶都被刻意遺忘。 11月11日,大多數人沈浸在甚麼時間空餘的人創造的光棍節的或悲或喜的氛圍中,有多少人意識到了11.11其實是世界大戰紀念日,而在英國的大街小巷,人們佩帶上罌粟花胸針,教堂默哀兩分鐘,為了所有被奪取的靈魂和喪失的人性。 我們這代人,沒有切身經歷過戰爭,所以幸福而無知。停止那些幼稚的言論,武裝收復甚麼領土,因為你沒有經歷過戰爭的醜惡,你不知道她一旦發生就停止不住的膨脹的慾望,武裝收復與武裝侵略,沒有本質的不同。 希望世界和平,所有武裝衝突停下腳步,所有人都能渡過一個平和溫暖的新年。 The War is Over<br />
Wish 2012 a peaceful year.

The War is Over
Wish 2012 a peaceful year.

Good Night, there will be no attack tonight.<br />
It's safe tonight, sleep tight and have a nice dream.

Good Night, there will be no attack tonight.
It's safe tonight, sleep tight and have a nice dream.

Fear<br />
It's human being's  instinct to feel fear for the bloody war.

It's human being's instinct to feel fear for the bloody war.

Rage<br />


Pray<br />
Let's pray for those souls lost in the war.

Let's pray for those souls lost in the war.

Sympathy<br />


Hide <br />
There is nowhere to hide in the war.

There is nowhere to hide in the war.

Rest in Peace<br />
Wish all those souls died in wars rest in peace. Have you found your inner peace as well, the living human beings?  Model: Giulia. =)<br />
<br />
There is no more need to struggle, as long as you find your inner peace.

Rest in Peace
Wish all those souls died in wars rest in peace. Have you found your inner peace as well, the living human beings? Model: Giulia. =)

There is no more need to struggle, as long as you find your inner peace.

The War is Over<br />
An arrow of freedom is piercing my heart. Breaking chains of emotion.Give a moment to pray.Lost innocence to find it's way.Fields of Sensation, A cry in the dark, hope is on the horizon.With a reason to stay, and living for a brand new day.In the morning dew, a glorious scene came through.Like the war is over now, I feel I'm coming home.-- the war is over, Enya.model: GiuliaTo end all the kinds of wars, conflicts and violence, hope for the world peace and everybody's inner peace.Though it's hard to tell from this photo, but it's my first attempt of HDR and soft-focus.

The War is Over
An arrow of freedom is piercing my heart. Breaking chains of emotion.Give a moment to pray.Lost innocence to find it's way.Fields of Sensation, A cry in the dark, hope is on the horizon.With a reason to stay, and living for a brand new day.In the morning dew, a glorious scene came through.Like the war is over now, I feel I'm coming home.-- the war is over, Enya.model: GiuliaTo end all the kinds of wars, conflicts and violence, hope for the world peace and everybody's inner peace.Though it's hard to tell from this photo, but it's my first attempt of HDR and soft-focus.